Nowadays, the Foundation of any business is their personal or business website. Either it may be a static or dynamic site, Digital existence matters a lot, We help to develop any kind of website.
As technology grows faster and broader, the Security of your website or application plays a significant role. We test your app with almost substantial vulnerabilities that can be compromised.
Whatever business you run, the Major part will be roled by your front-end design. If the website is more attractive, it increases the traffic to your site. We help you create an attractive I for your website.
SEO is the heart of Digital Marketing; without rank, the website is a dummy. We help increase the visibility of the site in google top index pages, which increases your visibility over a internet
Learning is an essential part of life. That made me what I am today Keep learning and seek knowledge from everyone irrespective of any age group, “We all have ability. The difference is how to use it.”
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that human can understand.
Red-Teamer, Penetration Tester, Incident handler.
Malware Analyst and Android researcher.
Performed Vulnerability Assessments on android applications and helped developers to mitigate the vulnerabilities found.
Salesforce Admin / Developer, Bugs fixing and other salesforces related tasks.
Front-end React native Developer.
Joined as Intern and learnt various dimensions in SALESFORCE.
Feel free to contact me for any kind of enquieires